Three Ages (2021)

The suggestion of a horizon hovers just out of reach in both Orange Blue White (2021) and Yellow White Black Blue (2021). In Orange Yellow Blue (2021), something about the way the colours bleed into one another calls to mind the appearance of the sky at dusk. In Blue Yellow Red White (2021), it’s either sea or sky, maybe both. The eye keeps catching glimpses of things that almost resolve, only to be arrested as it tries to enter these half-visible realities obscured behind shapes and lines in the foreground. As the title of the series suggests, the eight paintings here—each composed in three distinct stages—gesture toward the relationship between youth, middle age and old age: quick development; a straying from where one began; an eventual balance; and the way in which one’s youth is always present even as one grows old, even if the memory is sometimes difficult to recall entirely.


Unwelcomed Visitors - A Series of Six


Snapshots of Friends - A Series of Ten